QB Lanka (Pvt) Ltd is a limited liability company duly incorporated in 2008 under the Companies Act Number. 07 of 2007, and domiciled in the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka. The company’s registered office is located at No.22 F, Main Street, Battaramulla. The company registration number is PV – 66865.

ERP Lanka (Pvt) Ltd is a subsidiary of QB Lanka (Pvt) Ltd. It is a limited liability company duly incorporated in 2016 under the Companies Act Number. 07 of 2007, and domiciled in the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka. The company’s registered office is located at Number.22 F, Main Street, Battaramulla. The company registration number is PV – 114013.

Mr. Weerasuriya is a certified public Accountant. He is also a visiting lecturer at the University of Kelaniya and the institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka. While serving as an Accounting Software consultant to the US Embassy in Sri Lanka, he sits in as a committee member of the FITIS. Further, He is also a consultant to Central Environmental Authority and the Sri Lanka institute of distance learning.